Twinkling Stars (Infants)
We provide high-quality care for children from 3 months to 2 years old.
We have primary caregivers to establish strong relationships and assist the initial settling in period.
We have high-quality resources and learning opportunities; our fees include meals prepared freshly each day by our in-house Centre Cook, along with morning and afternoon tea where a variety of fruit and vegetables are provided along with some home cooked baking.
We work alongside the guidance of the Healthy Heart foundation.

Reach for the Stars Early Learning Centre provides caring and nurturing infant Early childhood Education (ECE).
At Reach for the Stars Early Learning Centre, we know that leaving your child in an ECE setting can be very difficult, especially if they are still a baby. We do all we can to reassure you. Our team also knows how important it is to provide a loving and caring environment for your little one to ensure they are kept safe and well when outside of your care. At RFTS we pride ourselves on our sense of family
Reach for the Stars Early Learning Centre is an established early childhood centre, catering for children from 3 months to 6-years-old. Our centre is purpose-built with well resourced, challenging and fun indoor and outdoor areas. Children are cared for in rooms appropriate for their age so that staff can focus on their needs.
If you would like to see if Reach for the Stars Early Learning Centre is the right ECE for your child and your family please call us to ask any questions and arrange a visit to the centre or feel free to drop in at any time, and our centre manager will show you around.
Our ECE centre supports a primary caregiver system to help your child settle and flourish
In the Twinkling Stars, we follow the philosophies of Magda Gerber and Emmi Pikler which are based on respecting each child as an individual and letting them take the lead and develop at their own pace.
When a child joins our Twinkling Stars room, they are assigned a primary carer. This member of staff is the person that will change their nappies and clothing, settle them to sleep and attend to their general needs. Using one carer as the main point of contact helps children to settle into the centre and feel trusting and secure in the new environment. Your child will interact with other teachers in the room, but having a primary carer enables them to build a stronger bond with one person.
During their time at the centre, even our youngest children are encouraged to play and learn alongside others and to develop language and motor skills. Every child is valued and treated with respect and love.
Food and nappies are included in our centre fees
Reach for the Stars Early Learning Centre’s fees include nappies for children who require them.
Our centre also provides fresh food for all children. This food is freshly prepared daily by our in-house cook and includes nutritious morning and afternoon teas, as well as lunches. Meals are age appropriate. A freshly prepared vegetable mash is provided daily in the Twinkling Stars.
Daily routines at Reach for the Stars Early Learning Centre
Each of the rooms follow their own routines, tailored to the ages of the children. Our Twinkling Stars room provides a combination of free play and learning experiences each day. Children can choose to play indoors or outdoors and have access to a range of suitable toys and resources which encourage and challenge them to explore and investigate while practising their skills. Activities to support these developing skills are setup by our teachers and are designed to build on this independent learning and support children to work together.
Meals are provided at regular times to encourage a sense of routine and predictability. Our children are given the opportunity to sleep according to their needs and the requirements and routines you would like us to follow.
All sleeps, nappy changes are recorded and are kept in the room. Every parent is welcome to see this. We encourage open communication, and you are welcome to speak to your child’s teacher each day to find out how things are going. A written report is provided daily in the Twinkling Stars to give you a summary of your child’s day; time and length of sleeps, what food they ate and size of portions, number of bottles and volume, nappy changes and whether wet or soiled as well as a general summary of the type of day your child had. Your child will also have a learning portfolio which is updated regularly. This will be sent to you via a learning APP called Educa and a hard copy printed and put in their portfolio. This portfolio will go with your child to each room and when full given to you to keep at home. You are able to invite family members to view Educa too – so this is wonderful for family out of Auckland or even overseas to see what your little one is doing and the progress they are making.
Transitioning from Twinkling Stars to Shining Stars
When your child is around 2 and we feel they are ready we will speak to you about transitioning to the Shining Stars room. This is done by having visits with one of their teachers from the Twinkling Stars room initially, then spending a morning, until eventually they are spending the whole day. During this time, you will be introduced to the teachers in the new room and your child will also be given a transition booklet, where comments by their new teachers will be written each day. This will give you a good insight into how they are settling into their new room. Our goal is to make the transition as smooth and fun as possible for your child. They are usually very excited about moving UP to the next room.
The Twinkling Stars teachers will of course share with the Shining Stars teachers all they know about your child, what do they like, what don’t they like, what provides the best comfort for them etc. You are also encouraged to speak to the teachers and share the special knowledge only you have of your child.
If your child is new to Reach for the Stars we will arrange a series of visits with you so you and your child are able to familiarise yourselves with the environment and teachers before commencing their enrolled hours.
Visit our Albany Early Childhood Centre today
If you are looking for high-quality early childhood care and education for your youngster, Rosedale-based could be the perfect choice for your family.
Come and visit to see if we are a good fit for your baby. Please give us a call on 09 476 3950 and book a visit to our early learning centre today and our Centre Manager will be happy to show you around. Alternatively, we operate an open-door policy so if you are in the area and just want to drop in and view one of the best ECE providers on the North Shore you are more than welcome. If you have any questions about our early childhood education policies and practices, our Parent Info page may answer them. If not please get in touch and our Centre Manager will help you.